Mom Life

Safety Tips for New Moms


After my first daughter was born, I felt like a deer caught in headlights. I spent a lot of time and energy time preparing myself for her birth, but I did not give as much thought to what happens after the birth. The birth experience itself was amazing, but what followed can best be described as PANIC. It takes time, to get used to being a mom. It is intimidating to have this little baby,…

Keep Your Coffee Pot Clean Without Vinegar

coffee cup

I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Coffee is such a life saver for me, especially when I have been up too late writing blog posts or reading, which seems like a lot lately. I love coffee. You know what I don’t love? Running a vinegar rinse through the coffee maker to clean out mineral deposits. If you live in a place that has hard water, you know what I am…

How I Potty Trained My Daughter in 3 Days


I call it the”Potty Training Boot Camp”. My daughter was 24 months old and I potty trained her in 3 days. It required some serious dedication, hard work, and a lot of faith in the method, but it worked. How did this all come about? Here’s the story… I started to train my daughter when she was around 18-19 months by having her sit on the toilet, and encouraging her to go pee pee. It…

My Favorite Reusable Shopping Bag

Favorite Shopping Bag

South Korean grocery stores have a great system in place. Customers use re-usable shopping bags, but for larger orders there are boxes available for free. In the front of the store, just past the checkout point, there are large tables set up with boxes folded and stacked. (The boxes are from store deliveries). There is also packing tape available. The customer boxes up groceries, no plastic bags needed. I was impressed by the Korean system….

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