Mom Life

Safety Tips for New Moms


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After my first daughter was born, I felt like a deer caught in headlights. I spent a lot of time and energy time preparing myself for her birth, but I did not give as much thought to what happens after the birth. The birth experience itself was amazing, but what followed can best be described as PANIC.

It takes time, to get used to being a mom. It is intimidating to have this little baby, whose entire existence depends on you. There is so much to learn, and the learning curve is pretty steep.

Kids are resilient, they are tougher than you think. However mama guilt is real, and a mother has a strong instinct to protect her young. I put together a list of safety tips every mom should know. Some of these tips may save a child’s life, or prevent a trip to the emergency room.


Do you have an coffee table? Are you expecting a baby? You might want to reconsider, coffee tables are associated with head injuries for little kids. My mother warned me about the potential hazard of coffee tables. We did not have a coffee table when Lily was born, but if we did I would have gotten rid of it.

It is just NOT WORTH IT.

Especially when you have a toddler, who is just learning how to walk. A new walker is like a little weeble wobble, not very stable.

Don’t take my word for it, ask around. You will find someone who has a child who suffered a head injury from a coffee table. It is very common and completely avoidable.

If you feel like you NEED something in your living room, for decoration or extra storage, ottomans are cute and functional. (They are also PADDED, lol).


Grapes are a choking hazard for little ones. They are the right shape and size to block the airway of a young child. Cut those grapes, and be sure you cut them the long way. I don’t cut those grapes in half, I quarter them. (I have read too many stories of kids with blocked airways from grapes).

What age should your child be when you stop cutting grapes? It is recommended to cut grapes until a child is FIVE years old.

One would think once a child is three, the danger would pass. Nope. Apparently choking happens more with three year old kids because they are more active. They like to eat while they play, and that can be dangerous. (Especially with the wrong food). Hot dogs or beef sticks should be cut too.

When it doubt cut it, and try to be mindful of training your child to sit down when he or she eats.

Want to make your life easier? You can buy a grape cutter for less than six dollars.


What kid doesn’t love balloons, they are so much fun to play with. However, a popped balloon is another choking hazard. The March of Dimes calls balloons “one of the most hazardous toys for children.” Many children have sucked uninflated balloons in their mouth, or put pieces of broken balloons in their mouth.

Apparently broken balloons are difficult to expel using the Heimlich maneuver because the latex sticks to the trachea.

If you have a young child, be very careful with balloons. Toddlers are notorious for putting weird things in their mouths.


Having a child puke all over the bed is not fun, but having a child aspire vomit into the lungs is worse. Don’t ever tell your child to hold in puke until he or she can get into the bathroom. A child can accidentally suck the vomit into the lungs, and that can lead to serious complications.

Bring a bucket into the bedroom and teach your child to puke in it. If your child is really young, that won’t work, but you can reduce the mess in other ways.

When my daughter was six months old she vomited after eating avocado. It lasted for a few hours. 🙁 I sat in the tub with her, let her lay on my chest, and puke on me. (Real glamorous, I know). It was a long night, but it was easy to clean up.

It is better to let your child make a mess, than mess up his/her lungs.


Do you have a climber? My second child is a climber and she terrifies me. A climber will climb on just about anything. A dresser is not out of the question, those drawers make perfect steps if you pull them out a little.

Anchor that dresser to the wall. Forget about the security deposit, forget about the holes it may leave in the wall if you move your furniture around, just anchor it.

Dressers are heavy, and if a dresser falls on top of a child it can be fatal. (Yes fatal, I have heard of children dying from this). You can find furniture anchors here.


Did you know children have been electrocuted from cell phone chargers? There have also been cases of severe burns from cell phone chargers too.

Toddlers like to put weird things in their mouth, it is how they explore the world. This science experiment can end very badly for a toddler.

It is best to keep a charging cell phone out of reach of children. Better yet, get into the habit of unplugging the cell phone charger from the wall when not in use.


Are you seeing a theme yet? Toddlers like to put weird things in their mouths. It is something you will have to get used to for a while. Sadly, this exploratory activity can cause serious harm or death.

A swallowed battery can burn through a child’s esophagus in just two hours. The small lithium batteries are the most dangerous because they tend to get “stuck” in the throat, which leads to the burning.

Another item I was recently warned about are tiny ball magnets. A marble, if swallowed, will probably go through the body without causing harm. These ball magnets, however, will stick together and can cause a lot of damage.

Here is a great tip given to me by a friend: before allowing your child to play, get down on the floor and survey the scene to check for items that can be dangerous. It’s a great idea, there are many things one cannot see from a standing position.


I could write an entire post about water safety, I used to be a lifeguard. However this one story made an impact on me, because it can happen anywhere.

It happened after a birthday party. There were many adults around, and yet a young child almost drowned in a small covered hot tub. The mother was cleaning up and thought her child would be supervised because there were so many adults around.

Her toddler managed to quietly sneak away and somehow got under a covered hot tub, and almost drowned. This happened in moments, sometimes that is all it takes with a toddler.

The moral of the story is to always designate another adult to watch your child if you need to leave the room, or if you need to do something that takes your attention away from your child.

I know it’s difficult to be this vigilant. I have a three year old, and there is a reason I am exhausted at the end of the day. However assigning responsibility is necessary. If you do not assign an adult to your child, each person may assume the other person is watching your kid, and the result is no one is watching your child.


This one surprised me, I had not heard of this until today. In fact, I always thought it was strange that the lifeguards at the water parks did not allow me to go down the slide with my kids.

Apparently there is a good reason for this, the child can end up with a broken leg. A friend recently informed me that she personally knows three people who had this unfortunate experience.

A child’s foot can get caught between the slide and an adult’s leg, and this can result in injury. (I used to go down with my kids on slides all the time, yikes). It is best to let your child go down the slide alone. If that is not possible, then wait until they are old enough.


An entire article could be written about car seat safety, but this one tip really stands out to me.


In winter this is difficult, but so important. I dress my child in layers, or put a blanket over her if it is really cold. Or, I put the bulky jacket on after she gets out of her car seat if the weather is really frigid. Usually, the distance from the car to the door of our destination is not that far, so a thick winter coat is not necessary.

Other tips I have learned from moms who are passionate about car seat safety: make sure the 5 point harness is in the proper place, and keep your child rear-facing as long as possible.

But the jacket tip is a serious one. Click here for more information.


Newborn babies are so cute, and everyone wants to hold them. If you are not comfortable with that, just say NO.

This is YOUR BABY, who God trusted to you, no one else. Do not worry about hurting someone’s feelings if safety is a concern.

This is very important in the first three months. Babies are very vulnerable during that time, their lungs have a difficult time coughing up mucus if they get sick. Your baby, your way.

In fact, this does not only apply to the newborn phase, no one has the right to touch your child without your permission. If you are not comfortable with something, it really is O.K. to say no.


Long hair can be hazardous to newborns. One strand of hair can get wrapped around little fingers and toes, cutting off circulation. I have heard stories of hairs that were really difficult to get off. (This is a dangerous and stressful situation).

Mothers of baby boys, check the diaper for hair too. Apparently little fingers and toes are not the only body part that are vulnerable to loose hair.


This tip comes from a holistic dentist, dried fruit can stick to the teeth and lead to cavities.

If you read my post of How to Remineralize Teeth, then you know tooth decay is more complicated than this. However, it is something to be aware of. Some kids are resistant to cavities and some are not. Why take a chance?

If you are not flossing your child’s teeth, dried fruit can get stuck between the teeth and cause decay. If you floss regularly, this may not be a problem, but I mention it to raise awareness.


I often see children sitting in a W position, and many parents do not know it is a problem. If my three year old does it and I correct her and I tell her to sit “criss cross applesauce“. It is very important to do this. Sitting in the W position can affect their growing bodies, and put a strain on the hips and joints. It can also limit core strength.

Not all children sit this way, but it is very common. Don’t make a big deal about it, just correct it. I also take my daughter to see a chiropractor. W sitting is considered an asymmetrical sitting pattern, and chiropractic care can help restore balance to the body.

I know W sitting is not an immediate danger to a child’s health, but it is something many parents are not aware of. That is why I decided to include it.


Being a mom is a work in progress. If you were not aware of some of these potential dangers, don’t freak out or feel guilty. Give yourself grace. None of us are perfect and there is so much to learn in such a short period of time. Also never feel guilty for making decisions that work for your family.

Not all kids are climbers, and some kids do not put weird things in their mouths. It is better to be safe than sorry, but do your best and forgive yourself for the rest.

The best advice I could give a new mother is not to ignore your intuition. There is so much wisdom in that inner voice that guides us. Any time I have ignored my intuition I have regretted it. No one knows your child better than you, don’t let yourself be bullied into making a decision you are not comfortable with.

Being a mom is the hardest job I have ever had. I always appreciate any information that helps keep my kids safe, and I hope you do too.

One tip that I need to sneak in here is to get a homeopathic first aid kit and learn how to use it. This has definitely made my life as mom so much easier.

What are some safety tips you would tell a new mom? Please comment so we can all benefit.

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  • Reply
    March 23, 2021 at 7:25 am

    I tell new moms that there are exactly 1,254 ways to hold a baby, and they are all correct.

    Also, shockingly, no one tells you that honey is dangerous before age 2!! And, of course, swimming in pools is just stupid for babies. Chemicals are horrible and more toxic for littles, and more importantly, the swallow reflex can cause suffocation with too much water in the blood stream.

    • Reply
      Keri the Naturally Minded Mother
      April 12, 2021 at 3:25 am

      That sounds like great advice. There is nothing better for a baby than being held by mama. 🙂 I had a few friends who did the “water baby” programs with their infants. I decided against it because of the chemicals. I wish there were more saltwater pools in my area, they at least have less chemicals, chlorine is hard on all of us. I have a friend who uses UV light and hydrogen peroxide to sterilize her pool. It sounds interesting.

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