Healthy Living

How to Clean up Your Diet

It is hard to believe I have been eating clean for almost 7 years. Is my diet perfect? No. I occasionally eat things I probably shouldn’t, and I did not change my diet overnight. But I love nourishing my body by providing it with foods that are free of toxins and nutritionally dense. So where do you begin if you are interested in changing your eating habits? Hopefully this post gives you some ideas on…

EMF Radiation-Free Headphones

Did you know all mobile and wi-fi devices have never been tested safety tested? It is difficult to determine how safe it is to use cell phones, the proper safety studies have simply not been done.  I have read the safest way to use a cell phone is to use EMF and Radiation free air tube earbud headphones. Defender Shield makes quality headphones, they are the best quality emf, radiation free headphones available. Benefits of…

Holistic Dental Care and How to Re-mineralize Teeth

Did you know cavities can be healed? If a cavity is in the enamel, there is a good chance of healing it. I know this is possible because I have done it. The hole in the tooth won’t fill in, it sort of scabs over. (Like a scar). Sadly most dentists will put a “watch” on an area of concern, but do not tell you how to stop the decay. Cavities between the teeth are…

5 Reasons I Love Thrive Market

Thrive Market

I love anything that makes life easier. Providing nourishing food to my family is very time consuming, but it is also worth the effort. I have been a member of Thrive Market for a few years and I have discovered it has been a good investment for my family. Here are 5 reasons I love Thrive Market … 1. It Saves Us Money Thrive Market tells me how much money I save on each order….

Natural Mosquito Repellents

Natural Mosquito Repellents

I am a mosquito magnet, I always have been. It is really annoying. I used to swell up a lot when I was bitten by mosquitoes too. It does not happen any more, since I learned how to get relief from mosquito bites using homeopathy. I do think prevention is better than treating mosquito bites because mosquitoes can carry disease. (Some say Lyme disease can even be spread by mosquitoes, which is really not cool….

The Slow Carb Diet – My Experience

kettle bells

On New Year’s Eve my daughter’s and I had a dance party in our living room. They wore fancy sequence dresses, so I wore sparkly dress too. It just happened to be my high school prom dress. I am not sure why I kept it, but it felt pretty good to still fit in a dress I wore over 20 years ago. New Year’s Resolutions Do you want to start the New Year right by…

10 Tips to Prevent the Flu


Winter can be long, and dreary. Getting sick can make winter seem even longer. Each year the media hype surrounding the flu seems to get worse. (I had the flu when I was pregnant, and thanks to homeopathy it was not a big deal for me). However; homeopathy is not the only trick I have up my sleeve for flu prevention. Here are 10 ways to prevent the flu “naturally”. Disclaimer – I am not…

Natural Remedies for the “Stomach Flu”

child sleep

I know, it’s not really “the flu”, but people call it the stomach flu. The more proper term is gastroenteritis. It’s not fun to watch your kid puke, and even less fun to clean it up. Fortunately there are natural ways to prevent it, and natural remedies that can help recovery. (Note: this post is not intended to be medical advice, always defer to your doctor for medical treatment). Prevention – Probiotics This is my top…

How Thrive Market Has Saved Me Money


I despised Costco when I live in South Korea. It was very busy on the weekends, and that was the only time we could go, (because of my husband’s work schedule. He had the only car). Thankfully, in Korea, I found an easy way to order Costco foods and have it delivered directly to my home. (Awesome). When we moved back to America I had high hopes of finding something similar. I was crushed when…

Natural Remedy for Burns


Summer is almost officially here. We had our first day at the pool this weekend, and I was reminded of how much I despise sunblock. I don’t use sunblock for every trip to the playground, I know some sun exposure is actually needed to ensure proper levels of vitamin D. My own personal experience last year with vitamin D issues taught me there is no substitute for the sun when it comes to vitamin D….

Five Reasons I Prefer Ghee Over Butter


I went through a “dairy-free” phase in my life. In the past few years I have cautiously added dairy back in, but I tend to stick to dairy that is free of A1 beta-casein, which I have read is very harmful. One of the first “dairy” products I added back in is ghee. I am not sure if it is O.K. for everyone who has a sensitivity to dairy, but I have not had a…

The Gluten-Free Trap


Eating healthy in this country is a challenge. (That is putting it mildly). There are a plethora of marketing ploys and labeling tricks that are DESIGNED to trick us into THINKING we are eating healthy. Many times we shop and eat for the convenience. Let’s face it, we live in a fast-paced, busy society. Most parents are working while raising a family, which makes it hard to spend a lot of time in the kitchen….

A Nutrient Dense Diet for a Nursing Mother


A mother’s diet is very important when nursing. In the first few years of life a baby is still developing; the brain and immune system is not mature yet. What mom puts into her mouth can have a lasting impact on her baby if she is breastfeeding. Please don’t let the thought of this intimidate you. It is actually a wonderful blessing to be able to nourish your child by breastfeeding. There are many short…

How To Build a Healthy Gut


There is a controversy that has not made the main stream news yet, but some local news outlets have covered this. Apparently mothers are observing neurological changes in their children after using the laxative Miralax. I first heard of this a few weeks ago, and it is very concerning. I have not personally used this product, but it is common for Pediatricians to prescribe it to children who are constipated even though it is not…

My Favorite Probiotics – The Pros and Cons


In the past few years, probiotic bacteria have been making headlines in the scientific world. The media is even catching on to something that has been known by many for long time; the health of our gut microbiome is essential for optimum health. This study shows some species of “good bacteria” may play a role in reversing peanut allergies. This study suggests the “terrible two’s” might be linked to the biodiversity of a child’s gut…

Why I Buy Local and Organic Produce


These past few weeks, the weather has been horrendous. I am usually a very picky food shopper, but the poor conditions have prevented me from shopping at the usual stores. (The icy roads have prevented me from traveling very far). It has been a painful reminder of why I need to stock up on food. My “pantry” right now is frightfully low on supplies. Consumers Want Healthier Choices The organic selection at the local grocery…

Folic Acid vs. Folate


Folic acid is THE vitamin pregnant women are supposed to take. It is supposedly the most important vitamin for pregnant women. It is supposed to prevent Spina bifida and other midline defects. But what if that is not true? Sounds crazy right? But if you read on I will explain why it is not true for many of us. The vitamin that is needed is actually FOLATE. Many people think they will get enough folate…

Cod Liver Oil – The Ultimate Immune Booster

cod liver oil

It’s snot season. Literally, if you have a child in school you know exactly what I am talking about. It seems almost impossible to make it through flu season without getting sick. Oddly enough I have done it, many times. I don’t get sick very often. I made it 40 years without ever catching the flu, (or getting the flu shot). For a while I thought I just got lucky, I thought I inherited an…

Sugar – How it Makes Us Fat and Sick


Sugar makes us fat and sick Literally, I am not exaggerating. If you want to do something RIGHT NOW to greatly improve your health, reduce or eliminate your consumption of processed sugar. Does this seem like an impossible task? Does the thought of cutting out sugar give you heart palpitations? That is not surprising, sugar is also extremely addictive. It is more addictive than cocaine. I thought I was doing pretty good in the “no…

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