Healthy Living

5 Reasons I Love Thrive Market

Thrive Market

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I love anything that makes life easier. Providing nourishing food to my family is very time consuming, but it is also worth the effort. I have been a member of Thrive Market for a few years and I have discovered it has been a good investment for my family. Here are 5 reasons I love Thrive Market …

1. It Saves Us Money

Thrive Market tells me how much money I save on each order. Of course this is an estimate, and prices will vary from region to region, but our family does save money.

This is important because organic food is EXPENSIVE!! Every bit of savings counts!

I did a cost analysis and discovered the annual cost of my membership is paid for by my savings on Organic Valley Ghee. (You can read my analysis here).

2. Good Selection of Quality Products

I live in a rural area and I have to travel a little to get quality groceries. There are some products that are difficult for me to find, even at the GOOD grocery stores. (Cassava Flour is one example).

It is incredibly convenient to have these ‘hard to find” products available in an online store.

3. Convenience

If you are a mom, I do not have to tell you how inconvenient it is to load your kids in the car to go the the grocery store in the middle of winter. My husband works a lot, and I do not have grandparents who live close by to watch the kids, and I home school my children.

This means I take my kids EVERYWHERE with me. I never get to go grocery shopping alone.

I cannot emphasize how convenient it it to have groceries delivered directly to my door. They are mostly “pantry staples”, not fresh organic vegetable from the local CSA. But still, very awesome.

4. Free Shipping

There are restrictions on free shipping, you need to reach the minimum requirement of $49.00 to qualify for the free shipping. However I find that minimum is very easy to reach.

5. Samples and Free Gifts

Thrive Market has promotions and samples you can try for free. It is pretty cool to get to try quality products for no additional cost. Sometimes I get to select which “gift” I want, and sometimes it is a surprise. Either way, it makes the Thrive Experience a little more enjoyable.

Sound pretty cool? If you are interested in a free 30 day trial, here is an invitation to “try before you buy”. You get a 25% discount on your first order, so it’s worth checking out.

Thrive Market
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