Natural Remedies

Natural Remedy for Dry Cracked Skin

dry skin

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Winter Blues

In my younger days, I did not have any problems with my skin, at least nothing serious. In winter my lips used to get really chapped, but I assumed it was because I licked my lips a lot. But it is sort of circular logic because my lips must have been dry to begin with right? (Otherwise why would I lick them)? So what was the actual cause?

Most people would say dry air, or lack of humidity. That makes sense, in the winter the heat is on and it dries out the air. I am not usually consistent with using the humidifier. Opening the window helps, but again, I am not consistent with this, and I don’t care for the cold. So dry air COULD be the cause.

So dry cracked lips in winter, no big deal, pretty common I would say. Another reason for the winter blues. But why doesn’t it happen to everyone?

Fast forward to when I lived in South Korea, a new skin problem developed. The skin on top of my hands got really dry in the winter and started to crack sometimes. It often got dry enough to bleed. It wasn’t all over my hands, just a few spots on top of my hand by my knuckles. Some of my friends in South Korea reminded me I should always wear gloves when washing dishes. In South Korea the women wear gloves inside the gloves, sort of double protection for the skin. The problem was I DID use the gloves, and we had a dish washer most of our time overseas, so I really did not think that was the cause.

I tried different lotions on my skin, hoping they would help. But truly, nothing did. It was really irritating.

Homeopathy Saves the Day

Homeopathy is very unique medicine. The cause does not matter, the symptoms guide you to the correct remedy selection. Homeopaths view the symptoms as clues to an underlying problem, not the actual cause. (It’s different, I know, and it takes some getting used to). So in my case the symptom was dry cracked skin that was worse in winter. Those specific symptoms lead me to a remedy that could help – Petroleum.

I learned about this remedy in a class I took with Joette Calabresse, (a well known homeopath). The modality seemed very specific, worse in winter. My cracked skin only made its ugly appearance in winter, so I decided to give this remedy a try.

I only needed a few doses of Petroleum 200c and my cracked skin started to heal. I could not believe it, it was amazing!! Not only did it heal, but it remained healed for the rest of that winter.

The following year the condition came back, slightly, so I took one dose of Petroleum 200c and that was all I needed. My skin healed very quickly and was fine for the rest of winter.

Last winter I did not need the remedy at all.


When I took this homeopathic remedy for dry skin, I was already eating a healthy diet. I ate lots of good quality fats, organic meats, bone broth, fermented foods, salads and organic vegetables coated with ghee. I did not do anything else different, I did not add any new skin balms or lotions to my daily routine. (Seriously, I have young children, I am lucky if I get a shower in every day). It was the homeopathic remedy that reversed my skin condition, I believe what I witnessed with my own eyes. The cracked skin on my heels also went away, it really was surreal.

I have become very conservative in my homeopathic applications, (I just finished reading a book about classical homeopathy, so I abide by the minimum dose recommendations. So if this remedy seems like a good fit, try Petroleum 30c. The dosage rate will be different for everyone, but perhaps take this remedy twice a day for a few days, then wait and see what happens. If you need more, you take more.

One vial of this remedy costs less than ten dollars, so it is worth a try,

Once you try using homeopathy and you have convinced yourself that it DOES work, then I recommend finding a homeopath and getting an individualized consultation, known as constitutional care. I have discovered that nothing will uproot a problem better than a deep acting cure. But if you are completely new to homeopathy, you might not be ready for that.

What natural remedies have you used for dried skin?

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